Cork Flooring- A Totally Modern Floor Choice With Retro Flair

Cork Flooring

People choose cork because it muffles sound, and is warm and cozy.

Cork flooring is enjoying a resurgence of popularity among today’s consumers thanks to its warm, natural appearance and its eco-friendly properties.

Popular in the 1960’s among forward thinking designers and architects, cork flooring has a long history going back to the early 1900’s as a beautiful and durable choice for some of the most prestigious commercial buildings including the Library of Congress and the First Congregational Church in Chicago.

For modern homeowners, cork is an appealing choice for its contemporary appearance as well as its old school charm.

Why Choose Cork?

The benefits of a cork floor go far beyond its beautiful appearance.

Cork is among the most sustainable of all flooring materials. Naturally harvested, it’s a renewable green product that doesn’t release toxic gasses or fumes during manufacturing or when installed.

Cork is the ideal choice for bedroom floors, especially for anyone with allergies because cork is naturally resistant to mold, mildew, dust mites and bugs. It’s comfortable underfoot and it’s stays warm and cozy.

Distinct cellular construction

Cork has a distinctive cellular construction which gives it resiliency or bounce that translates into cushioned comfort when used in kitchens or workshop areas. This unique construction also makes cork effective insulation against heat and cold.

Cork’s special properties also help absorb sound, a bonus when used in a home office or media center.

Cork is a great choice especially in the Chicago area with its long, cold winters, and high-rises that require sound reduction.

In our next post, we’ll take a look at some of the different choices consumers have when deciding how they want to use cork flooring in their home.



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